Why Instincts are 90% of the Game

When we’re born, we don’t have much except our instincts. We can’t walk, we can’t talk, we can’t feed ourselves, yet our instincts tell us when we’re hungry, when we’re tired, when we’re uncomfortable, and when we feel pain. We don’t think about it, we don’t judge, because we aren’t yet capable of that. We […]

Walking Through the Door

I’ve stepped up my game. I realized all too suddenly a little while ago that I’d set some very specific goals for myself this year, and that although I was on track to achieve some things, others were getting left in the dust. We’ve all heard the expression “Opportunity knocks”. Lots of us answer the […]

What Old Friends Can Teach You

Ok. So we’ve decided we’re not actually “old”. Even though it’s been 20 years, even though we were kids last time we saw each other. Kids, starting our lives after high school, branching out on our own for the first time, with the whole world laid out in front of us. We could do anything. […]

Why Chasing a Dream Doesn’t Work

You want it all. You want it now. You’ve done everything right. Read all the books. Taken all the workshops. Shaken all the right hands. So why hasn’t your dream come true yet? Your dream could be anything. A better job, a nicer house, a better girlfriend, or that next big client. Dreams are a […]

What My Dad Has Taught Me

My Dad is a pretty cool guy. He’s one of the youngest-at-heart people I know. We have a running joke in our family – when talking about Dad’s age (71), we say he’s “Older than Dirt”. He thinks it’s hilarious. I think it’s ironic. Dad may be in his 70’s, but he sure doesn’t act […]

Making Up Time

A friend of mine asked for some help yesterday. Well, it’s more like I offered to help and he just took me up on it. Either way, I hope that the little bit of advice I was able to give him helps him even in some small way on the path to the success I […]

Balance and the Art of Staying On Top

I’ve written before about the importance of balance between family, work, social life, and alone time. We all know how vitally important it is. Yet we continue to fail remarkably well at it. We go and go and go until we literally collapse, or have an accident, or get sick. Yet once we’re better, despite […]

Revisiting Three Words

At the beginning of this year I did what many others did and came up with three words to help me define my goals and priorities for the year. I thought, since we’re coming up on the six month mark, that now would be a good time to review and see where I’m at. My […]

The Big Break

The man on the right side of this picture, the one sitting in the chair with the camera….he gave me my first break. I was 19 years old and ready to take the television world by storm. I thought getting my first job would be easy. After all, I had two years of college under […]

Bad Days – It's all in Your Head

Have you ever had a really bad day? Of course, that’s a ridiculous question. We’ve all had really bad days. Sometimes, the bad days truly are bad – some circumstances are just awful..things happen to all of us occasionally, such as the death of a loved one, losing your job, a falling out with a […]