Why I Like Adversity

This post is a part of Robert Hruzek’s Middle Zone Musings group writing project called “What I Learned From…”. This months’ topic is adversity, and here’s my contribution. We are always told that adversity is something to be feared and avoided. But I disagree. I like adversity. If it wasn’t for adversity I wouldn’t be […]

Shut Up and Do Some Real Work

I read two really great blog posts this morning. One was from a person I’ve followed for some time, Kat French. The other was from someone I just met today, Wayne Kelly. The posts at first seem quite different. Kat is talking about 5 social media topics she could do without. Wayne is talking about […]

What a Change of Scenery Can Do

I’ve been on the road this week. Hubby and I have been touring around the American Midwest, spending a couple of days in Indiana, then hopping over to Ohio. We leave tomorrow, to drive back home. It will be a 12 hour-or-so trip. I really like road trips. More than flying, actually. Flying, as much […]

What Being Tired Teaches You

I’ve been exhausted this week. It’s a weird thing for me, to be physically tired. I am usually one of those annoying, boundless energy types. At first I thought it was some kind of virus. There’s a lot of that kind of thing going around. But after a couple of days, I started to rethink […]

Going with Gut

Ever wondered about the difference between someone who is successful and fulfilled in their life and someone who isn’t? I have. A lot. This is a really interesting time in my life. I’m accomplishing more in a 24 hour span than ever before, and somehow, I’m surviving to tell about it. I’m working really hard, […]

Are You a Leader? It's Okay to Follow.

My middle-of-the-night musings last night revolved around leading and following. Even though deep down I’m kind of a shy person, I’ve always been somewhat of a leader. Perhaps it’s my way of compensating for my fears, but for some reason, I feel more comfortable spending time at the front of a group than at the […]

Old Friends. New Media.

Just a few thoughts I had after a lovely evening with an old friend. Old Friends. New Media. from Sue Murphy on Vimeo.

The Art of Saying Yes

Back in December I wrote a post on The Art of Saying No. It was in response to an overwhelming number of demands and requests I’d been receiving for me to help with this, retweet that, and come to this event, and so on. It helped me set my mind straight on how to make […]

Don't Forget to Take time for YOU

Just a quick word before I head out to Bob LeDrew’s place for a house concert tonight. Life is crazy. There’s a lot going on, between balancing work, family life, and all the daily tasks that keep me occupied. Tonight I’m going to enjoy a terrific musical evening with some of my favourite female musicians, […]

Checking in on Your 2009 Goals

We’re three weeks in to the new year, and how are you doing with your goals? This is usually the time when things start to fall off the rails. The gym visits become less frequent, the junk food sneaks back in, the time management takes a back seat, and that money-saving? Too many post-holiday sales […]