I’ve stepped up my game.

I realized all too suddenly a little while ago that I’d set some very specific goals for myself this year, and that although I was on track to achieve some things, others were getting left in the dust.

We’ve all heard the expression “Opportunity knocks”. Lots of us answer the door when we hear that knock, but we just say a friendly “hello”, have a quick conversation, and mull over some new ideas. Often, that’s where we stop.

Let’s face it, we all sit around and talk about stuff…a LOT. Some people just talk and talk (especially about social media, it seems). But how many of us are really out there, turning talk into action? How many of us are not just answering the door, but are walking through it? From what I’ve seen, those that walk through the door are ultimately way better off. So, I’ve decided to walk through the door a little more often.

Grab on and enjoy the ride. I’ve taken on some exciting new things recently, like TEDxOttawa. There are some big new projects in the pipeline for Jester as well. (I’m talking world changing stuff.) I’m also about to embark on a really exciting new online project, which I’ll tell you more about soon, once it’s official. All of these things are happening in my life because somewhere along the way, an opportunity presented itself, and instead of just sitting there looking at it, I grabbed on. I have to admit that some days I feel like I have just jumped out of an airplane and I’m not quite sure if my parachute’s been packed properly. But I’ve decided that no matter what, I’m going to enjoy the ride.

The doorbell that won’t stop ringing. Have you ever noticed that the busier you get, the busier you get? I’m about to get a lot busier. I’m walking through the door, and beyond that door there are just going to be other doors. I have made a commitment to myself to walk through them too.  I’m well aware that this is what I’ve signed up for. I’ve been watching some of my super busy friends lately, seeing how they do things, what they are changing as they go. I’ve been watching them walk through door after door and I feel more prepared than ever to handle whatever is coming my way. If you don’t want to deal with lots of ringing doorbells, then don’t walk through the door. But I suspect if you are still reading this, you’re exactly the kind of person that can’t wait to see what’s behind door #2. Or door #102, for that matter.

If you’re happy and you know it, stop for a minute. As my life ramps up to whirlwind pace over the next several weeks, I’m going to be taking time out at intervals to reflect. The last thing I want to do is let all these great things happen around me and then look back 5 years from now and not remember any of it. I’m also going to be very conscious of my family and friends, for no matter how frenzied the pace is, they are really the most important thing. Cherish every moment in your journey. Seek balance whenever you can. And never let your family and friends take a back seat to anything. No matter how much success you have, remember that true happiness doesn’t lie with bags of money or 15 minutes of fame. It lies with the people in your life that matter.

So…you’ve got lots of doors opening around you, right? And if you don’t, you’ll be heading off to find them, I’m sure. The thing is, when you do – you’ve got to make the decision fast. Are you going to merely answer the door or are you going to walk through it?

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