How Reading a Newspaper Changed My Life

I had lunch yesterday with a friend I hadn’t seen in 13 years. It’s amazing how, with some people, you can just pick up where you left off. I am glad we’ve reconnected and look forward to getting to know her again. We talked and shared what we’d been up to the past several years. […]

On Peace and Quiet

It’s funny – whenever I hear the expression “Peace and Quiet”, I always think of my Mom marching into the living room when us kids were being obscenely loud and boisterous, with her voice raised “Would you kids go outside? I need some Peace and Quiet!”. I think she was onto something. When was the […]

CONTEST! It’s a Girl Thing

On Tuesday night, I’m attending It’s a Girl Thing, a fundraiser being put on by United Way/Centraide Ottawa. This lovely evening of pampering is taking place at Third Avenue Spa, and we’ll be hanging out with the lovely and talented Kimothy Walker from CTV News, having mini-massages, mini-manicures, Aveda makeup demos, cocktails, and the chance […]

How To Get a Fresh Start This Spring

This year I’m turning 40. I think that number might be a bigger deal to my parents than to me (What? Your youngest child is 40???). I actually think it’s kind of cool that I’ve made it this far! I sure as heck don’t feel 40. I don’t really look 40 either, or so I’m […]

Get a Grip – Staying in Control in the Midst of Chaos

Do you have a zillion things going on? Yeah, me too. Work, school, side projects a-plenty, friends, family, house stuff…I’m swamped. And I don’t even have kids – so I have no idea how you parents do all this stuff AND manage little ones. Kudos to you on that! I’m often asked how I manage […]

What Are You Afraid Of?

A few weeks ago, I showed this video from Gary Vaynerchuk to my class. It’s about cold calling, and if you’ve ever been hesitant to pick up the phone and ask someone to do business with you, then you should watch it. You might just get up the guts to do it. Or not. You […]

My Left Hand and Three Words

I’ve recently decided to get really serious about learning to play the guitar better. I have all these friends who are so super talented at it…every time I hear and watch them play I think, “I want to try to do this too.” I may never be as good as this guy, but I am […]

What I Learned from TEDxOttawa

I’m not going to write a post about how great TEDxOttawa was for me. I’m not going to do a synopsis of the day, the amazing speakers, the brilliant teamwork, or the terrific food. All of that is true. The event had a profound impact on me, from many points of view. I’ve already discussed […]

Follow Your Own Path

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth. Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy […]

How to Overcome Stage Fright

I used to have horrible stage fright. It probably stems from the fact that I’m inherently a shy person. I overcame my shyness though, and that’s always the first step. Here’s how I did it. Once I overcame my shyness, I became much better at person to person interactions. Now I have no issue with […]