Change: Why are We Afraid of It?


Every day I read posts from friends and acquaintances about how much trouble they are having dealing with all the change that the world is throwing at them right now. The pandemic, the slow re-opening of the world, and the fear that at any moment we may be thrown back into an environment where we […]

Got Downtime in Your Business? Here’s What To Do

Downtime. We all have it, even if we don’t want to admit it. Downtime in our business might be seen to some as a business that’s floundering. In most cases, that’s not the truth. The truth is, all types of businesses have their quiet times…it might be a few hours, a few days or even […]

The Art of Luck

That I’m lucky in life goes without saying. I live in the best country in the world, I have a loving family, a wonderful husband, a roof over my head and food in my fridge. Yep, I won the life lottery, and for that, I’m grateful every single day. When it comes to “luck” in […]

My Three Words for 2017

Happy new year! 2017 is here at last, and we now have 365 days ahead of us to make a difference. As is customary each year, I kick things off by listing my 3 words – guiding words for the year that will help keep me focused on what’s important. I started this tradition several […]

Overcoming My Anxiety About Writing

I’m sitting here staring at the computer screen, wondering why I haven’t written anything here in so long. This is not the first time I’ve sat like this. There was a time when one of the most joyful moments of my day was settling in with a cup of hot coffee to write on my […]

My Three Words for 2016

For the past several years, I have followed the Chris Brogan method of new year vision-setting. Instead of resolutions, I choose three defining words for the coming year. I’ve found it really helps me to focus on what’s important. Three defining words can’t be “broken” like new year’s resolutions. They are more concrete. In 2015 […]

Taking a Break From the News

I have always been a self-professed news junkie. Just ask my husband, who I force on a daily basis to sit in front of the nightly newscast on TV. Or look at my Facebook or Twitter streams, chock full of the news feeds from newspapers, online publications and TV news. I’ve always thought that consuming the […]

My Three Words for 2015

For the past several years, I’ve taken a page from Chris Brogan‘s book and, instead of making new year’s resolutions, have created three words to define my year. I’ve found it to be a very beneficial exercise, because it serves as a reminder on a daily basis of what I need to work towards, and […]

The Importance of Taking Breaks

I haven’t been here for a while. At first, I felt bad about it. But then, I realized that sometimes it’s good to take a break from things. I’ve been blogging fairly regularly here since 2006. 8 years of putting out content, playing in my sandbox, and sharing snippets of my brain with you. This […]

What Being in a Band Has Taught Me About Business

I’ve been involved in music since about the 4th grade. Over the years I’ve played instruments, and in the past 15 years or so I’ve been a singer. I was in a women’s chorus, an a capella quartet, did the odd solo thing, and now, I’m a singer in a rock and roll band. It’s […]