This post is under construction

So here is a pic of our new digs, severely under construction. This room will be our boardroom/office. The room I am standing in to take the photo will be the reception area. Behind me will be our edit suite, kitchen and bathroom. These were taken two days ago – now envision actual walls where […]

The List

For anyone who has ever wondered what it takes to make the move from home based, part time business to full time, real live office business, I’m going to share with you how our first two days in business have shaped up, in the form of what I like to call “The List”. Check emails […]

The First Day of the Rest of My Life

Today is our first official, full time day in business, as Jester Creative. Okay, so our web site is still under construction, our office is a shambles, but we have projects, more projects than we know what to do with, and somehow we need to balance making progress on the projects with renovations, a new […]

Do you need a "Pick of Destiny"?

Last night the Hubby and I watched “Tenacious D: Pick of Destiny“. For those of you who may have just emerged from under a rock, Tenacious D is the “World’s Greatest Rock Band”, and consists of members Jack Black and Kyle Gass who, in their own words, totally rock. The premise of the movie is […]

It's all fine to think positive, but you have to make an effort

I was at a fundraiser last night for the Ottawa Humane Society. It was a great time, everyone all dressed up, eating fabulous food, drinking fabulous wine, spending piles of moola on auction items, all for the good of the puppies and kitties. I’m all about stuff like that. At our table, we got into […]

Outshout the Voices

I’m in the process of taking some pretty big risks right now. Jumping out of the corporate rat race to become a self-employed media diva comes with it its fair share of risks. Setting up a new office, getting our first big contracts going, and drumming up new business; all of it has risk attached. […]

The Importance of Getting to the Point

If you want something….if you have something someone else wants….then share it. But don’t share it in such a way that you pussy-foot around the idea, beat around the bush, float all around it, or do anything that contains the word “around”. Just say it. GET TO THE POINT. I often sit in long, boring […]


After a somewhat marathon session of editing, I am home, feeling contented, relaxed and confident. I had forgotten how much I love editing video. It’s been a few years since I’ve edited anything of substance. And it’s definitely a new experience for me using this new-fangled computer equipment. You see, I’m an old timer. Back […]

Adding My Voice to the Chorus

I’m exhausted. It’s been a really long week. I essentially have two jobs right now, so I’m sure I’ve put in at least 70 hours this week – probably more. I haven’t seen my husband much, or my dog, or my cats. I certainly haven’t seen much of my parents, or my brother, or my […]

We have much to learn from our elders

I came across a blog this morning that has made me aware, yet again, of the wisdom that older people have to share. Don To Earth is a blog by Donald Crowdis, known to many Canadians as the original host of “The Nature of Things“, now hosted by David Suzuki. Don is now an energetic […]