What I Learned From Taking a Blogging Break
I’ve really backed away from blogging in the past several months. The reason? Quite frankly, I felt that I had run out of things to say. Pair that with being overloaded with other projects, including writing projects, and I guess I just wandered away from it. For me, it was a healthy break, something that I […]
Become a Blogger in One Week
Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. When it comes to blogging, or creating any sort of platform online, it can be extra hard to get started. It’s usually part fear, part finding the time, and part being overwhelmed by the whole concept. After all, “platform” is a daunting word. It conjures up something huge […]
Deeper Thinking Equals Better Blogging
I get very insecure about blogging. I think that I don’t have anything original to say, that I’m just re-hashing stuff you can find anywhere. I’m always appreciative when people stop by to read and comment, but deep down I sometimes feel like I’m still not doing enough. I’ve been on a journey to improve […]
Words of Encouragement for New Bloggers
You know what really grinds my gears? The number of holier than thou, “tough love” posts I’m seeing lately criticizing others for “doing it wrong” when it comes to social media. What’s sad is, I’m seeing these posts from reputable, high profile people in this space. While perhaps their intentions are good, I think that […]
Playing in the Sandbox of Creativity
I started SuzeMuse in 2006. I literally chose the name when I set up my first WordPress blog. The sign up form was sitting there, staring at me, waiting for me to type something. Given that “Susan Murphy” is a rather common name, it was, of course, already taken. Suze is a nickname my Dad […]
A Kick in the Pants for New Bloggers
You’ve got the itch to blog, congratulations! It’s a wondrous thing. I started my first blog in 2006, and I have reaped rich rewards both personally and professionally. I use this blog as a bit of a sandbox – it’s where I experiment with new ideas and play around with features. Blogging helps me to […]
One Step to Becoming a Better Storyteller
Think of someone you know who tells a great story. The kind of person for whom virtually everything that comes out of their mouth is in the form of an interesting story. They are the kind of people you can listen to for hours on end. Someone like Liz. Or The Dude. Storytellers do what […]
How To Blog Every Day
This might be kind of a funny post coming from a gal whose blog has been known to go dormant for 2 or 3 weeks at a time, but perhaps this is a post as much for me as it is for you. I spend a lot of time talking to my students about the […]
How To Be a Better Commenter
I couldn’t write a post about writing better blog content without also writing a post about comments. One of the things I love most about blogging is the comments. As we all know, it’s often in the comments where the real juicy stuff happens. For people who may not blog themselves, it’s a way for […]
What Ever Happened to Writing from the Heart?
I recently did a big purge from my Google Reader. I usually do this once every few months. Not only do I remove subscriptions blogs that no longer seem to be active, I also use the purge as a chance to get rid of blogs that just aren’t producing great content anymore. There are only […]