Podcamp Montreal – A Wrap Up

Podcamp Montreal is behind us and after having a day or so to reflect on my experience I have a few observations.  Day 2 of Podcamp was just as captivating as Day 1. I did only manage to attend a couple of sessions, but what I experienced was well worth it.  C.C. Chapman and Mitch […]

Podcamp Montreal Day 1: Considering Ourselves

Day 1 of Podcamp Montreal was a resounding success. The energy of this event is phenomenal…people are really enthusiastic and the whole place just seems to be a buzz of activity and creatitivity. The presentations yesterday were really terrific. Sylvain Grand’Maison told us how to not suck. He gave some awesome tips to content creators, […]

Podcamp Montreal is here!

So after a hectic day of work, my friend Cheryl (@fendergurl on Twitter) and I arrived in Montreal about 9pm last night, and, after getting quite lost and literally intuiting our way to the hotel, we headed for La Quincaillerie, where the opening night party was going down. We were starving, and not in the […]

Podcamp Then and Now

I am heading to Podcamp Montreal this weekend. It’s only my 2nd Podcamp, and I’m really excited to be going. My first Podcamp was in Toronto in 2006, and I attended pretty much on a whim. I was going down to Toronto to visit a friend anyway, and thought it might be an interesting way […]