I am heading to Podcamp Montreal this weekend. It’s only my 2nd Podcamp, and I’m really excited to be going. My first Podcamp was in Toronto in 2006, and I attended pretty much on a whim. I was going down to Toronto to visit a friend anyway, and thought it might be an interesting way to spend some time in the Big Smoke. We figured we had nothing to lose, since it was free, and besides, if it was boring, we could always go shopping. 

Little did I know the life altering impact that one little un-conference would have on my life. I’ve made a pile of amazing new friends, made long-term business connections and, I learned the power that we as a community have to really shape the way people are communicating now and in the future. THAT really blew me away. 

I’ve noticed something interesting about how Podcamps have evolved over the past 2 years. 2 years ago, nearly every session on the schedule had SOMETHING to do about how to make money in podcasting and social media. The business models were numerous and diverse – everyone seemed to have the next best way to make a buck with this new medium. 

Podcamp Montreal has a very different flavour. As I review the impressive schedule, I see a very distinct shift in focus. Here’s a sampling:

…you get the idea. The themes this time are focused on things branding, communication, and content. 
Now, I don’t believe for a minute that people aren’t still out there trying to figure out how to make a buck with social media. In fact, I think that trend is more prevalent than ever. But it seems that we’ve wisened up a bit. We have learned, as a community, that the money doesn’t come first anymore. What comes first is building a solid reputation online, creating stellar content, then marketing yourself around that reputation and content. 
Could it be that we are finally on the right track? I hope to continue this conversation with YOU at Podcamp!

2 Responses

  1. Hi there.

    I just found your blog via mention of Podcamp MTL and am happy that you will be attending.

    I’m the founder of the Montreal Girl Geek Dinners group and see that you have a Girl Geek Podcast. Very cool! I’ll be sure to give it a listen tonight.

    I hope to meet you this weekend!

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