So after a hectic day of work, my friend Cheryl (@fendergurl on Twitter) and I arrived in Montreal about 9pm last night, and, after getting quite lost and literally intuiting our way to the hotel, we headed for La Quincaillerie, where the opening night party was going down. We were starving, and not in the mood for poutine (hey, we’re from Ottawa – we get to eat that stuff all the time!). However, we decided to make a brief appearance at the bar to see who was lurking about.

We were greeted warmly by Mark Blevis, who proceeded to tour us around a large table to meet some of our fellow podcampers (how DOES he remember everyone’s name!!!). I’m sorry if I don’t remember all your names yet, but hopefully by the end of the weekend I will!

After ducking out for a bit to eat at Caféo down the street, we came back to a packed bar with all sorts of people milling about. It was terrific to meet up with Jay Moonah and Bob Goyetche again, since last time I saw those two was at Podcamp Toronto over 2 years ago! What was also exciting about last night was I finally got to meet some long-time Internet friends in person, like C.C. Chapman and Rob Blatt. What fun!

Anyway, we headed home to our cosy little hotel room and are rested up for day 1. I look forward to meeting and talking with my fellow campers in what promises to be a fun filled 2 days!

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