Rethinking Your Online Life

Our lives are divided three ways now. It used to be that we had our work, and our life. They were distinctly separate, never to cross. But nowadays, we’ve got a third aspect to our existence – our online life. This third life falls somewhere in the middle of the other two, resting not entirely […]

Social Media is Not a 9 to 5 Job

Some of you may not want to hear this. The number one challenge people tell me they have with social media is finding time to do it. They are already overworked in their jobs, and there’s simply no extra time for them to spend with all the listening and checking in and engaging that social […]

You’re Already Interesting

You say the biggest challenge you have when it comes to publishing consistently online is finding the time. I don’t believe that, and I say that because I’ve been there too. I think I don’t have the time to write a post, or upload a video to my blog, or crank out a podcast. I […]

What It Takes To Do Social Media Well

I swear, if I get asked one more time how to do social media so that it takes the least amount of time and effort possible, I’m going to snap. Here it is, straight up. If you want to do social well, it takes time. And a good chunk of it. There are no shortcuts. […]

MarketSharing: A Different Kind of Daily Deals Site

I’m always on the lookout for new and interesting tools and sites. Many of them get featured on the podcast I do with my friend Stefan Halley (@LostInSweden) on I Can Haz Podcast, and I’ll often post some of the neat ones here too – especially the ones that are of particular interest to entrepreneurs […]

You DO Have Time for Social Media

The number one issue that I hear from people who are just getting started in social media is that it takes too much time. This issue has been even more prevalent lately it seems, as more and more people start to figure out how to incorporate social media into their business. We’re all getting the […]

TV Is Not Dead

You hear it all the time. YouTube serves up hundreds of millions of videos per day. Video blogs are more popular than ever. And mainstream TV, with it’s so-called reality junk food shows like Jersey Shore, and endless reruns of Jerry Springer, is becoming redundant, is often repulsive, and ultimately will be rendered obsolete within […]

With Glowing Hearts: A Social Media Film You Need To See

I’ve known Andrew Lavigne for 21 years. We almost went to college together – I was accepted to Algonquin College for TV Broadcasting and I’d have been in the same class as Andy. I opted to attend the same program at Loyalist College instead – being only 17 at the time, my parents and I […]

Do You Appreciate Your Intellectual Freedom?

Last night I attended a great event put on by my good friends Bob LeDrew and Cheryl Gain. Censored Out Loud brought local musicians and writers to a small stage at the Raw Sugar Cafe in Ottawa, where they freely expressed themselves, reading and performing works that, over the years, have come under scrutiny and […]

Social Media Isn’t a Big Deal

I woke up this morning feeling like I wanted to write (as I do most mornings). But, the past few days, I’ve been struggling. It’s not that I am blocked – no, I have plenty of things I could write about. It’s just that I don’t want to write about any of them. I’ve been […]