Getting in the Groove of Google +

I can’t believe Google + has been around for nearly two months and I haven’t written a post on it yet! Well, actually, I can believe it. I’m not one to get Shiny Object Syndrome. I do consider myself a Super Early Adopter, but I always jump into a new tool fully, explore, experiment and […]

The Secret to Managing Your Social Stream

Probably the question I get asked most often about social media (besides the “How do you find the time?” question) is “How do you manage all the information coming at you?”. It’s true, I have a lot of information flowing in. I subscribe to dozens of blogs and Google Alerts. I follow about 5,000 people […]

You Get to Choose

Here’s the coolest thing about the Internet. You get to choose who to follow. You get to choose who to block. You get to choose the channels on which you communicate. You get to choose what to talk about. You get to choose who to listen to. You get to choose who you sell to. […]

How to Stop Procrastinating on Your Social Media Plan

You probably already know where you want to get to in your business. You may already have a roadmap to get there. But there’s one thing that keeps coming up time and again when I talk to business owners. Many of you are trying to figure out how to fit all this social media stuff […]

Social Media: It Ain’t All Business

I spend a great deal of time showing people how to use social media to help market their businesses. I spend a good chunk building and implementing social media strategies for clients too. People really want to understand how they can these new communication tools to help drive new opportunities in their doors. I totally […]

Who Are You Online?

Who are you? It’s the age old question, and in the online world, it’s one that is asked more often than just about anything else. When you put your unique perspective of the world online, you inject your thoughts and ideas into other people’s worlds. Conversation ensues. It’s amazing to think that these connections are […]

Event-Based Social Media

As some of you may have seen from my Twitter and Facebook stream the past few days, I’m immersed in a big project this week. My company is leading the social media and content gathering efforts at the Women’s Worlds 2011 Congress, an international feminist conference taking place in Ottawa this week. Over 1,600 people […]

Going With Your Gut – Intuition as a Social Media Strategy

When us old timers started out in this social media stuff 5 years ago, there wasn’t a whole lot to go on. There were no training courses. Heck, there weren’t even any books yet. What we learned, we gleaned from a combination of reading the blogs of smart people, connecting with other social media geeks […]

Credit Where Credit is Due

I was sitting here, thinking of what to blog about today, and a song from Ron Hynes came on my iPod. It reminded me of a post I wanted to write, based on an experience I had a couple of weeks back. If you don’t know Ron, you can get a sense of him here […]

Shaping Your Online Adventure

I used to love Choose Your Own Adventure books. You know, the ones where you would read a few pages, then be presented with a set of options. You’d choose one, and then flip to the page of the book it told you to and keep reading. Those kind of books never got boring, and […]