Networking Tips for Students

I’ve been having a really fun time this summer teaching Project Management at Algonquin College. I’m working with a really great bunch of students who are going to be the next wave of digital mavens, helping people just like you get ahead in this crazy online world. One of the questions I’m asked the most […]

Teaching in a 21st Century Classroom

After taking a year off, I’m super excited to be heading back into the classroom at Algonquin College this summer. I’ll be teaching a project management course in the Mobile and Social Media Management program. What really excites me is the way this course is being run. Students are given the option as to whether […]

Banning Cell Phone Use in Classrooms is The Wrong Approach

I don’t often use this blog to criticize, but occasionally I come across an issue that really grinds my gears. This week, Ontario’s elementary school teachers (that’s grades K through 8) have voted to ban cell phones in classrooms. Why? Well they don’t come right out and say it, but primarily because it’s seen as […]

The Secret to Not Getting Left Behind with Technology

You have spent several years of your life pursuing an education. You’ve put 2, 4, 5, 7 years or more of your time into getting a diploma at community college or a degree at university. You poured your blood, sweat and tears into your academic years, and you graduated with a piece of paper, mountains […]

Don’t Have Time for Social Media? Here’s Some Help.

My first mobile device was a pager. Remember pagers? If you wanted to reach me, you’d call a number, punch in your phone number, and a few minutes later I’d get a “beepbeepbeep” on my hip (I wore that thing EVERYWHERE). As rudimentary as pager technology sounds today, it was a very fundamental shift in […]

Practicing Safe Social Media

A few weeks ago I was privileged to be invited to Woodroffe High School to talk to the students there about using social media responsibly. I spend a good deal of time talking to people of all ages about social media, and for me, the opportunity to spend a few hours with high school students […]

The Myth of Distraction in the Classroom

Back when I was in school, I remember the teacher telling us to take out a note book and a pen, and face forward and pay attention. There we were, twitchy teenagers, forced to have laser-like focus on every word the teacher said (or read). There was time for questions at the end. Inevitably, my […]

Social Media Success Tips for Students

It’s the most wonderful time of year! The Winter school term has begun!    For lots of students, back to school means plenty of early morning classes and late night study sessions. School is busy, and chaotic, and it’s hard to find time to get all your assignments done, let alone spend time online.    […]

Progress Report on My Flipped Classroom

We are a couple of months into the term now, and I thought it would be a good idea to catch you up on how things are going with my flipped classroom. If you want to know more about why I decided to do this, you can check out my three previous posts on the […]

Redesigning the 21st Century Classroom

If you are a regular reader here, you’ll know that I talk often about ways I’m changing the structure of my courses to meet the needs of 21st century learners, while taking advantage of all that new and emerging technologies have to offer in terms of promoting engaged, relevant learning experiences. I’m often frustrated by […]