Category / education

Why I’m Flipping My Classroom

I’m pretty much a typical adult educator. Like many college profs and corporate trainers in the 21st century, I teach myriad formats of courses to many different kinds of students. In the full-time Interactive Multimedia Developer program at Algonquin College, I’m teaching students who are also taking a pile of other web development and design...CONTINUE READING

Should You Connect with Your Students on Social Networks?

Note: I’m coming at this from the perspective of a College teacher, where my students are adults. I know there is fierce debate over teachers connecting on Facebook with high school or younger students. I’m not an expert on K-12 education, and can only speak from my own experience in adult education. This semester, I...CONTINUE READING

Tech in the Classroom is Cool, But it’s Not About the Tools

In my part of the world, today is the first day of school for many post-secondary students. Some are heading into their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year – others are walking in the doors for the first time. It’s interesting times in the world of education; technology has enabled us, as teachers, to expand the...CONTINUE READING

Dreaming of Connected Classrooms

Ever since I started teaching at the college level a few years ago, I’ve been dreaming. My first dream was to design a course that discussed emerging technologies, social media, and communication on the Web. I took my dream to the powers that be at the college and they gave me a shot. The course,...CONTINUE READING
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