Overcoming My Anxiety About Writing

I’m sitting here staring at the computer screen, wondering why I haven’t written anything here in so long. This is not the first time I’ve sat like this. There was a time when one of the most joyful moments of my day was settling in with a cup of hot coffee to write on my […]

The Entrepreneur’s Guide To Building A Brand Online

13 years. That’s how long I’ve been at this entrepreneurship thing. For 10 of those years, I’ve been using social networks (Happy Birthday, Twitter!) to connect, share and build my brand. Ugh. That sounds so pretentious. The truth is, there was a group of us doing that connection thing online well before the social media […]

A Springtime Social Media Reboot

It’s the first day of Spring here in the northern hemisphere, and with that comes the happy thoughts of renewal, rejuvenation and new growth. What better time to take a fresh look at your online presence, and see where there might be some opportunities to liven things up a bit. If you’re like me, you […]

My Three Words for 2016

For the past several years, I have followed the Chris Brogan method of new year vision-setting. Instead of resolutions, I choose three defining words for the coming year. I’ve found it really helps me to focus on what’s important. Three defining words can’t be “broken” like new year’s resolutions. They are more concrete. In 2015 […]

The Dark Days of Social Media

It’s 5am and I just had a conversation with a friend who, like me, can’t sleep. We talked briefly about how all of the things going on in the world these past days are worrisome…so worrisome that slumber escapes us. This is intensely troubling to me. Not only are we living in a world that is […]

Taking a Break From the News

I have always been a self-professed news junkie. Just ask my husband, who I force on a daily basis to sit in front of the nightly newscast on TV. Or look at my Facebook or Twitter streams, chock full of the news feeds from newspapers, online publications and TV news. I’ve always thought that consuming the […]

What To Write About When You Don’t Know What To Write About

I have a confession to make. I don’t know what to write about today. I’ve been racking my brain trying to come up with ideas, things to tell you, insights to share, and I’ve got nothing. Nothing! It happens to the best of us. The ideas dry up and it seems the more you think […]

Give Up Excuses and Your Business Will Thrive

I am part of several online groups made up of people from all walks of life. Many of them are business owners, like me. I contribute to the groups when I have something to offer, but often I just listen in on the conversations. I’ve noticed a curious trend in these groups, and it’s gotten […]

Getting Tired of Social Media? Here’s What You Can Do About It

I hear it time and again these days…people are getting social media fatigue. Twitter has become a selling platform. Facebook is full of ads. We are drowning in content. More and more, people are starting to change their habits when it comes to social, and for some pretty good reasons. But it was inevitable. The […]

On Being Helpful

One of the first things I learned about social media I got from my friend Chris. He’s a smarty pants, as you know. He said it time and again in the early days, and still does. If you want to succeed online, be helpful.  The words resonated with me in 2007, and they resonate today. […]