Are You Publishing Content or Producing Stories?
Ira Glass, host of NPR’s “This American Life”, talks about storytelling in terms of building blocks. Stories are built on two important things; anecdotes and reflection. You can think of anecdote as action. What is happening in the story? How is it moving along? What is the order in which things transpire? This is the root […]
Chris Hadfield: Social Media Un-Guru
If you’re anything like me, you’ve been watching with interest as Commander Chris Hadfield has been hurtling around our planet for the past few months on the International Space Station. While it’s pretty amazing that we are even able to have humans floating around in space, what I think is even more amazing is how […]
The Art of the Gimmick
Gimmicks get a bad rap. Often they are associated with snake oil, paying too much for cheap goods, and smarmy salesmen who just want to take your money and give you little in return. It’s true, there’s a lot of gimmicky stuff out there that ain’t worth the package it comes in. But gimmicky doesn’t […]