Gotta Love the In-Person Stuff! Ottawa Geek Dinner

Tonight was the Ottawa Geek Dinner and I was thrilled to see some old pals and meet some new people who, until this point I had only known through their tweets and blog posts. There were a good 20 people who came out, which made for a long table. I’m sorry I didn’t get around […]

Curiosity Killed the Confusion

I’ve recently come into contact with a lot of people who don’t know a whole lot about the whole social media thing. When I try to explain the stuff to them, I either get a yah, but….or just a blank stare. It’s true, there is SO much going on in this space right now that […]

Making a Case for Social Media

James Koole from Tucows presented this afternoon at Podcamp Toronto on enhancing corporate communications through social media. Tucows is doing some really neat stuff as far as creating a social media focused web presence. He’s showing the group that it’s not rocket science and all it takes is some creative people willing to invest a […]

How to Explain RSS to Your Mom

I am a virtual attendee of Podcamp Toronto 2008. Sadly I was not able to be there in person, so this is the next best thing. I just sat in on a session lead by social media guru Chris Brogan. One thing Chris is great at is putting things into a context that anyone can […]