How Reading a Newspaper Changed My Life

I had lunch yesterday with a friend I hadn’t seen in 13 years. It’s amazing how, with some people, you can just pick up where you left off. I am glad we’ve reconnected and look forward to getting to know her again. We talked and shared what we’d been up to the past several years. […]

How to Succeed in Social Media

I had a little conversation on Twitter with @SonnyGill last night. Sonny and I don’t chat that often, but we do float around in and out of each others’ radar sometimes. Last night we got to talking about our names. You see, Sonny confessed on his blog that “Sonny” is not his real name. I […]

Social Media – Ur Doin' it Wrong

I see that IZEA is has gotten into the sponsored tweets biz. I see that Mashable has some mixed feelings about it. This is not going to be a post about whether the business ventures that Ted Murphy and his gang are getting into are right or wrong. It’s not going to be a post […]

Podcamp Then and Now

I am heading to Podcamp Montreal this weekend. It’s only my 2nd Podcamp, and I’m really excited to be going. My first Podcamp was in Toronto in 2006, and I attended pretty much on a whim. I was going down to Toronto to visit a friend anyway, and thought it might be an interesting way […]