People Doing Cool Things On the Internet

There’s a lot of cool stuff on the Internet. In any given day, the things I see amaze, astound, fascinate, and blow my mind, often all at once. I laugh hysterically, cry uncontrollably, and have just about every emotion in between. Today, I want to share with you some of the people I’ve seen doing […]

Music Journalist Finds Clever Use for Faceboook Comments

My friend, Roch Parisien has been doing this a long time. By this, I mean writing and talking about music. He’s one of the top music journalists in Canada, and in the 20 or so years I’ve known and worked with him, he’s interviewed just about everybody who’s anybody in music. I’ve been fortunate to […]

You Might Have Noticed I Haven’t Been Here…

It occurred to me today that I haven’t been blogging much over here. Sorry about that. Most of my blogging efforts have been going into a new startup project, Ottawa Tonite. Myself and my friend Cheryl Gain, with the help of MANY wonderful volunteers, built Ottawa Tonite out of the need we saw for a […]

How to Build a Community Web Site

Cheryl and I have been friends for 20 years. We met way back when we were practically kids – just out of college, wide eyed and hopeful about what our careers is TV would hold for us. She was a video editor, and volunteered on Soundtrack, the music show I produced. We were fast friends…mostly […]

The Art of the Ask

UPDATE: The winner of the tickets to Shmoozefest is Patti Church! Congrats! Stay tuned – at the end of this post I have a great giveaway!!! I am extremely fortunate to be involved in many amazing projects right now. In addition to my day jobs, which allow me to work with amazing people like Mark […]