n142888761264_1727It occurred to me today that I haven’t been blogging much over here. Sorry about that. Most of my blogging efforts have been going into a new startup project, Ottawa Tonite.

Myself and my friend Cheryl Gain, with the help of MANY wonderful volunteers, built Ottawa Tonite out of the need we saw for a one-stop source for local arts and entertainment. We want to give readers a behind the scenes perspective on the local music, theatre, visual arts, literary, and food and drink scene in Ottawa, and cover things that are a little more off the beaten path.

The site has been consuming much of our time, and much of my usual writing energy has been going into covering stuff for the site.

So, if you’re looking for me, that’s where I am. Feel free to check out some of the articles I’ve done:

Local Musicians and the Meaning of Community

The Magic of the House Concert

….but DEFINITELY check out some of the amazing stuff our contributors have been doing. Local band Silver Creek has been blogging from the road while touring Canada, we have exclusive footage from an amazing play by Conor McPherson called Shining City, the lowdown on the Hintonburg Supper Club, and much, much more! Stop by and have a look around, check out some local music on our music player, and let us know what you think! You can also find Ottawa Tonite on Twitter @ottawatonite, or join our Facebook group.

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