The Secret to Getting Executive Buy-In for Social Media

I spent last weekend at the Social Capital Conference in Ottawa. It was a really amazing event, with many great speakers and tonnes of awesome hallway conversations (the best part of most conferences, in my opinion). What I loved about this conference is that I’m getting the sense that we are now entering a new […]

I Can Haz Podcast Episode 80: Amazing Things Will Happen

I realized recently that I haven’t talked much on this blog about the podcast that I co-host. I’m going to change that in 2013. While you can still visit our web site and we’d love it if you would subscribe, I also want to make sure I’m talking about it with you here. Stefan Halley […]

Taking a Step Back from the Social Marketing Game

It was nearly 4 years ago when I took my first baby steps into the world of social media. Before that blustery February day in Toronto, I didn’t really even know any of this existed. Oh sure, I’d been around the Interwebz for several years – but it had been mostly work-related, in the high […]

The Walls of the Social Media Bubble Are Getting Thicker

I’ve spoken before about the social media “bubble”. You know, this warm and cozy place where all us Twitter-loving, high tech super early adopting thirty and forty somethings spend a good chunk of our lives. We have our own gurus, our special buzzwords, and our own geek-a-paloooza assortment of Dungeons and Dragons inside jokes and […]

The Art of the Gimmick

Gimmicks get a bad rap. Often they are associated with snake oil, paying too much for cheap goods, and smarmy salesmen who just want to take your money and give you little in return. It’s true, there’s a lot of gimmicky stuff out there that ain’t worth the package it comes in. But gimmicky doesn’t […]

2 Myths About Mainstream Media

Wow – people are really all a-buzz about mainstream media’s latest foray into the world of social media, eh? I’m seeing lots of different viewpoints and some great conversations. In fact, I’d say that social media is really showing it’s stuff right now – the community is out in full force, in one way or […]

Why It's All About Stories

I met someone for the first time recently. They asked me “What do you do?”. The story of what I “do” has changed over the years. I used to just say “I work for [insert company name here].” Then after a while, I started to identify more with the actual work I was doing. “I’m […]