The Secret to Not Getting Left Behind with Technology
You have spent several years of your life pursuing an education. You’ve put 2, 4, 5, 7 years or more of your time into getting a diploma at community college or a degree at university. You poured your blood, sweat and tears into your academic years, and you graduated with a piece of paper, mountains […]
Blogger Guilt
I haven’t been blogging here as much as I usually do. It’s a combination of factors. Work has me writing more right now than I’ve ever written. I’m also blogging over at Thoughtwrestling, and doing more stuff over at Jester Creative’s blog too. I’m writing content for clients, proposals, scripts – you name it. Many […]
Walking Through the Door
I’ve stepped up my game. I realized all too suddenly a little while ago that I’d set some very specific goals for myself this year, and that although I was on track to achieve some things, others were getting left in the dust. We’ve all heard the expression “Opportunity knocks”. Lots of us answer the […]