40 years, 40 pounds – Week 1 Roundup

Week 1 is a wrap! I wanted to share with you a few brief thoughts on my experience this week. At the beginning of the week, I loaded up the fridge with all kinds of healthy things, planned a few meals, and was off and running. At the end of Day 1 of being fully […]

40 years, 40lbs – My Weight Loss Goal

First, I’ll let you know that other than being a paying customer, I have no direct affiliation with Weight Watchers. I’m a fan, plain and simple. There are plenty of ways out there to lose weight and get healthy. Find the one that works for you. Back in about 2003, I was the fittest I’d […]

How To Get a Fresh Start This Spring

This year I’m turning 40. I think that number might be a bigger deal to my parents than to me (What? Your youngest child is 40???). I actually think it’s kind of cool that I’ve made it this far! I sure as heck don’t feel 40. I don’t really look 40 either, or so I’m […]

Fitness for Tweeters

I’ve signed up for Tommy Vallier’s Twitter Pushups Challenge. It’s based on the Hundred Pushups site, where the goal is to work your way to complete 100 good-form pushups in about 6 weeks. It’s a great challenge, and the program looks achievable. I’m pretty certain I can get there, even though the most pushups I’ve […]