My Three Words for 2015

For the past several years, I’ve taken a page from Chris Brogan‘s book and, instead of making new year’s resolutions, have created three words to define my year. I’ve found it to be a very beneficial exercise, because it serves as a reminder on a daily basis of what I need to work towards, and […]

My Three Words for 2013

A few years ago, my friend Chris inspired me to come up with three words to help define and shape the coming year. I have always found this practice much more effective than setting goals or resolutions, because it is more about guiding principles. We cannot always control what’s going to happen to us each […]

The Grand Experiment of Blogging

This morning, Mark Blevis wrote a free-form blog post, because he was encouraged by Chris Brogan to do so. My smart friends have motivated me to finally come out and do what I’ve needed to do for a while. It might be a clunker, it might be imperfect, but I need to say it, so […]

The Creative Power of the Mindmap

I was back in college the first time I heard about the concept of mindmapping. My Project Management professor showed it to us, as a way to brainstorm all the things that needed to be done to successfully complete a creative design project. That day, my eyes were opened to a new way of doing […]

How to Succeed in Social Media

I had a little conversation on Twitter with @SonnyGill last night. Sonny and I don’t chat that often, but we do float around in and out of each others’ radar sometimes. Last night we got to talking about our names. You see, Sonny confessed on his blog that “Sonny” is not his real name. I […]

Community and Competition: Strange Bedfellows

Last night, I got a message from Keith Burtis. Keith often pings me just to say hi or chat. We sometimes talk on Skype. He’s a person I know I can turn to to celebrate my successes, and who I can lean on when things go bad. We’ve collaborated on a bunch of things to […]

Social Media – Ur Doin' it Wrong

I see that IZEA is has gotten into the sponsored tweets biz. I see that Mashable has some mixed feelings about it. This is not going to be a post about whether the business ventures that Ted Murphy and his gang are getting into are right or wrong. It’s not going to be a post […]

Revisiting Three Words

At the beginning of this year I did what many others did and came up with three words to help me define my goals and priorities for the year. I thought, since we’re coming up on the six month mark, that now would be a good time to review and see where I’m at. My […]

What Works for What's Work

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how work has changed over the past several years. When I was growing up in the 1980’s, society was still in the mindset that “setting yourself up for success” meant graduating from high school, going to university to get a degree, then finding a good, stable, […]