Mainstream Media for Dummies

Earlier this week I had a small accident, which has resulted in a pretty banged up rib cage and has left me no choice but to remain essentially horizontal on the couch, unable to work or do much of anything. I’ll be fine in a few more days, but the experience of laying on the […]

How To Leave a Legacy

I’ve never been a hard core Oprah watcher, but I’ve tuned in occasionally over the years. I’ve always enjoyed watching the show from a producers’ perspective; it’s an extremely challenging format to produce, but Oprah and her team have been bringing it daily for 25 years. 25 years is a long time to do anything […]

Healing Houses, One TV Show at a Time

This is a re-post from Jester Creative’s web site (my company)…I thought some of you might be interested in what goes into putting together a reality TV show. Enjoy! If there are two things Jen really loves, it’s making television, and home renovation. A little more than four years ago, she and I were sitting […]

Why I Preferred Watching Canada's Debate over the U.S. Debate

In some sort of bizarre collision of fate in the universe, or some sort of sick joke on the part of television schedulers, the much anticipated U.S. Vice Presidential debate and the Canadian election Leaders’ Debate ended up on the air live at exactly the same time last night.  I was following Twitter, of course, […]

Why I Don't Watch TV Anymore

I have a confession to make. I, Suze, don’t watch TV anymore. In fact, I’m pretty much turned off of just about every show out there. It’s an interesting irony, really. After all, I produce TV. Right now I co-produce a series that airs on our local cable station. We have a bunch of other […]

Making a Brand for Yourself

Here’s a guy that totally gets it. Gary Vaynerchuk, of didn’t just throw up a little web site with a few videos on it and then sit back and wait for it to go viral. He didn’t think – “gosh, nobody else is talking about wine on the Web”, because he KNEW that lots […]

Oprah's Web Event

I have a confession to make. I watch Oprah. I LIKE watching Oprah. It’s my unwind-from-a-long-day, think-about-something-completely-different, guilty pleasure. But at this moment, I’m glad, I watch Oprah. For all you non-watchers out there, Oprah is doing something cool these days in the online media space. She is touting a new Book Club Book, called […]