What It Means to be Canadian

Like many other countries, Canadians spend lots of time complaining about their country. Taxes are too high, hospital wait times are too long, our politicians stink, our government officials are crooks…the list goes on ad nauseum. I don’t spend a lot of time in that mode. In fact, one thing you’ll never hear me talk […]

My Love Affair with Canada

I have a confession to make. I have a huge, giant crush on Canada. She’s totally my type, in every way. Oh sure, I’m probably a bit biased, but I come by it honestly. I am Canadian, after all. I am extraordinarily lucky that Canada has allowed me to take up space on her for […]

Canada Day on Twitter

My idea is a simple one. Any Canadians who use Twitter should change their avatar picture to something that represents this great country of ours, in honour of Canada Day tomorrow. So get in there, Twitterers and get your maple leaf on! Happy Canada Day!

Celebrate Canada on Twitter

My idea is a simple one. Any Canadians who use Twitter should change their avatar picture to something that represents this great country of ours, in honour of Canada Day tomorrow. So get in there, Twitterers and get your maple leaf on! Happy Canada Day!

My Home and Native Land

One of the things I love about social media is how I’ve been able to meet people from all over the world.  Over the past couple of years, I have met a ton of people from the U.S., England, Australia, and even Israel and Japan. Through my conversations with these people, I’ve learned about their […]

Ottawa Snowstorm – Might As Well Go For It!

Well there is plenty of talk around town about the massive snowstorm this past weekend. Ottawa won, with a total of 56cm (22 inches) of snow in the span of 2 days. Take THAT, Toronto! 😛 We are a mere 38cm (15 inches) short of the all-time snowfall record for an Ottawa winter, 445cm (14 […]

Ottawa Snowstorm '08

I just had to post some photos of the snow we have here in Ottawa. This past weekend’s storm dumped 56cm (22 inches) of snow on us. We have had 404 cm (13.2 feet) of snow this winter so far, making it the 2nd snowiest winter on record. The snowiest winter on record was in […]

Indoor Sports

It’s another ridiculously cold and snowy day in Ottawa. I was talking to a guy in Arizona the other day and where he was it was 82 degrees Fahrenheit (about 27 Celsius and yes, I had to convert that in the Google Calculator. I’m so metric.) It’s completely unfair and I can’t wait for winter […]

SuzeMuse's All-Canadian Playlist

I was bored yesterday so I made a new iTunes playlist of the BEST Canadian artists and my favourite songs from each of them. Unfortunately not all the artists are on iTunes, so I couldn’t publish it. Instead, I’m going to type it out for y’all, with links to everyone. If you are looking for […]

Oh, Canada! My snowy, blustery Canada!

It is said that Canada is the only country that measures distance in the number of hours it takes to drive there. It’s true! From Ottawa, Toronto is 5 hours away, Sudbury is 6 hours away, Montreal is 2 hours away…and so on. Does this mean that in the winter, Toronto is further away? Because, […]