I’m a cat person. Oh, sure, I like dogs too. I have two of them. But cats and me – somehow we just understand each other. Well, as much as you can understand a cat.
What I love most about being a pet owner is what animals are able to teach me about things. Cats are brilliant this way – they are exceptional teachers.
I’ve been thinking a lot about success lately – what it means to be successful, how to become successful, why some people are successful and others aren’t. Then one day, I was watching my cats. And I realized – they are success machines. Here’s why.
Cats are extremely solution-oriented. A cat will only do what is most appropriate and comfortable for the cat in any situation. A cat will get to the highest point in the room to get away from the large, smelly dog. A cat will seek out the sunniest, warmest spot in the house to sleep the day away. A cat will only go to it’s owner if there’s something in it for the cat (e.g. scratches, snacks, crinkle toys, catnip).
I firmly believe that the number one way to set yourself up for success is to be a problem solver. Don’t have a job? Figure out what combination of skills, networking, positive attitude, and luck you need to land one. Work stressing you out? Figure out what you need to do to take the steps to remove that stressful situation. Money troubles? Come up with a plan and act on it. But do what a cat does – solve your problems as they come up, but make sure you are looking out for number one in the process. Cats are content, and it’s because they consider themselves and their happiness first, and figure out how to remove obstacles that are getting in the way of that happiness. Then the rest just falls into place.
Cats are intensely resilient. When one of our cats, Molly, was younger, she loved two things more than anything – to watch the birds out the window, and to chase the laser pointer. Then, about 4 years ago, she was diagnosed with Progressive Retinal Degeneration (PRD). In other words, she’s gone blind. She’s 8 now, and at this point we figure she sees shadows, that’s about it. She can’t see the birds anymore, or the laser pointer.
The first reaction many people have when I tell them Molly is blind is “Awww! The poor thing.” But they don’t know Molly. We live in a three bedroom bungalow, with plenty of obstacles like furniture, humans and other pets to navigate. Molly is un-phased by these obstacles. She uses her sense of smell, her freakishly long whiskers and her front paws to feel her way around, to the point where sometimes she gets into and onto places that would be difficult for a sighted cat to get to!
My point is, Molly doesn’t care that she can’t see. It’s only other people that care, that feel sorry for her. She can’t see the birds, but her ears definitely perk up when she hears them. She can’t play laser pointer anymore, but the scrunchy ball toy makes noise and that keeps her occupied for hours.
Being successful is all about resilience. If Molly falls down, and she does it quite often, she just gets back up and keeps moving. She has a pretty significant limitation, not being able to see. But she’s figured out how to adapt to her situation and it definitely doesn’t hold her back. And she certainly doesn’t give any energy to feeling sorry for herself and her plight.
Nothing that’s worthwhile in life comes without effort. The ability to think on your feet and solve problems, and to work around the obstacles that are thrown your way are the two most important skills you can hone in order to achieve success. Cats have been doing these two things for centuries. And you don’t have to spend very long with a cat to realize that they are on to something.
As I was writing this post today, I came across my friend Jennifer Winter’s new blog. Jen and I have been friends since high school. We live on opposite sides of the country now but because of the Internet we’ve been able to maintain a good friendship. One of the things we’ve always had in common is our love of animals, particularly cats. She’s compiled here the “Rules of Cat Ownership” as defined by her cat, Geiger. It’s hilarious, true, and definitely worth the read.
Photo: That’s my Molly.
Ditto on the cats are resilient point. Our cats (like many others) are currently fascinated with cardboard boxes – they can be a bed or a cat tower when stacked up. Just as happy with these freebies from costco (supplemented with a blanket) than an expensive cat tower that would cost several hundred dollars. Something we humans should take note of during this recession.
Webomatica’s last blog post..iPhone App: BargainBin
My daughter in law has two cats, both have had legs amputated. Other than seeing three legged cats, you’d never know it. Fits right in with your point.
chillie Falls’s last blog post..ACS Easter Egg Hunt: AWESOME
This is one of the most inspiring blog post I have read in a long time. I, too, am a cat lover for this same reason. I worry less about my cats then about my dogs. I know my cats will find a way to adapt to any new situation. I love the analogy, makes complete sense to me! Thank you!
Rosy Villa’s last blog post..
Profound indeed………my Kelly dog was blind for over a year before she died and as long as I left everything in its rightful place, she had no problems getting around. Animals are great at adapting to whatever comes along. They persevere – a lesson we all can use.
On another topic – how is it possible that you obviously have WAY more than the usual 24 hours in each day – like the rest of us poor mortals???? You teach, work, run a household of 6 – and I could go on and on………..must be the genes…… You go girl!!!!
Hey Suze,
Some interesting points you pulled up about cats. My family currently has five cats in the house… so maybe they already know the lesson’s you’re talking about.
I like your blog and plan on reading it in the future.
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