First Kick At the Cat Productions
My brother, Mike has been making amateur videos for quite some time and uploading them to the Internet. He’s into antique restoration and has done a series on restoring an antique radio, and has also done some fun stuff using his two boys as subjects. They are pretty good little actors, too! You can check out his stuff on YouTube . I am trying to convince him to set u a blog to showcase his work, as these days YouTube only gets you so far, and the quality is pretty lousy, compared to Viddler. or
His latest production is a video that he put together for my parents’ Square Dancing Troupe, The Village Squares.
We’ve decided to post it not only on YouTube, but on and Viddler as well. It’s a great little promotional piece about Square Dancing in general, which is a great social and physical activity. The Village Squares attract mostly the senior set, but I’ve noticed since working on this project and checking out other square dance groups that it’s definitely catching on in the younger set too. However, you will not catch me dosado-ing any time soon, I am WAY too uncoordinated. I’ll stick to videography, thanks.
The Village Squares approached Mike about doing a little promotional video for them, and he enlisted my help to do some of the videography. It was a fancy, two camcorder shoot! But my bro gets all the credit for the editing and directing. I think he’s done a terrific job of it! So here is the debut of the Village Squares on the Internet, done by First Kick At the Cat Productions.
Ok I can’t get the video embed to work, if anyone has any suggestions let me know, but you can see the actual video here on Viddler.
Just a note about my folks. In addition to the square dancing, they are definitely web-savvy seniors. A few years ago I taught my Dad HTML and Dreamweaver and he picked it up quick! He is now the webmaster for the Village Squares web site. My Dad is a webmaster, digital photographer and a madman in Paint Shop Pro (he knows more about how to use it than I do, for sure). My Mom is an expert Facebooker and Instant Messager. They are a great example of seniors making the most of the Internet.