My Three Words for 2017
Happy new year! 2017 is here at last, and we now have 365 days ahead of us to make a difference.
As is customary each year, I kick things off by listing my 3 words – guiding words for the year that will help keep me focused on what’s important. I started this tradition several years ago when my friend Chris Brogan first published his three words. I’ve found it an immensely helpful practice and one that I highly recommend to others.
But first, let’s do a little revisit to 2016. My three words for last year were Planning, Direct, Discipline. How did I do? Well, some weeks were better than others. But I did manage to get my schedule under control and that was a big one for me. I had been over-committing and over-scheduling myself into oblivion, meaning I had little to no juice left for the things that were truly important. I reduced my extra-curricular activities, namely leaving the comedy festival I was working with, and finishing up with the band I was in. While it was tough to say goodbye to these projects I enjoyed so much, it was important to my mental and physical heath to back away from these things, so I could focus more on my business, my family and my friends.
I am happy to report that I’ve found a new hobby (all work and no play makes Suze a dull girl), volunteering with the Sit With Me Dog Rescue as a transport driver and helping out at events. I truly enjoy it.
2016 was not without its challenges. My father in law passed away in September, and my friend Bob Goyetche passed away too. It made for a pretty sad Autumn, but it also served as a reminder that tomorrow is not promised. So live every day to the fullest and don’t waste time on things that don’t bring you joy.
Now, onto 2017.
My three words for this year are Create. More. Value.
This is something I want to do a lot more of in 2017. In 2016 I kind of let this blog go, as I felt I’d run out of things to say. But I’m entering this new year with a new attitude. I DO still have things to say. They may be different than the things I’ve talked about before but I’m willing and ready to make that shift. So you will see more writing here, and maybe some other types of content too. I also will create more content for my business, revitalizing our social media presence, blog and more. Creating is something I have missed out on in the past while, and that is about to change.
More means more everything. Produce more content, spend more time with people that I love, do more work on the business, get more rest. Live more life. This word is about overcoming those things that have been holding me back (I’m looking at you, anxiety), and getting more out of life.
This word is a big one for me. Not only do I want to create more, but I want to create more things that are of value to people, whether those people are my friends and family, my blog readers or my clients. Value is a word that will define everything I do in 2017. If I’m not creating value, I’m not going to do it. It’s that simple.
Now, you may have noticed that my three words also create a sentence. That’s intentional. Because in 2017 I want to create more value in everything I do.
There you have it! My three words for 2017.
Feel free to share yours below and may you have a wonderful and prosperous new year.