Allan Isfan is a busy guy. I’ve had the pleasure of sitting with him over some pints and learning about all of the amazing stuff he’s in to: There’s FaveQuest, his startup, a nifty personalized video sharing tool that has tons of potential (check it out on Facebook). He’s a video podcaster, doing a weekly show about hockey, one of his favourite subjects. He also runs a business with his wife called Isfan Solutions, and is a proud Papa to three gorgeous girls.

Somehow, he also finds time to create really cool presentations. One of them is over here at SlideShare’s Best Presentation in the World contest. You see, Allan has a great idea. He wants to, in his words “Change the world, one child at a time”. How? He wants to create a place where kids from all over the world can learn, talk, share, teach and play. And he wants to build a community that can help him create this place. He knows that everything isn’t a one-person show. That it will take the creative vibe of many to make an enormous project like this come to life.

Go check out Allan’s presentation, and the web site he’s built around the idea. He’s got a knack for communicating in pictures and words, and his passion about his idea shines through. Vote on the presentation while you’re there. And, if you are inspired by his idea – get in touch with him. Like Allan, I believe that the power of many can make positive change in the world.

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