Another week has gone by and our office is still a mess. It is nobody’s fault. Our renovation dudes all have full time jobs, some have young kids, and Jester Creative has meetings to attend, phone calls to make, project deadlines to meet, designs to create, and proposals to write. It’s not as if we all have a clean slate of time to just get it done, or we would have had it all ready to go in about 4 days.

But you know what? Life can’t stop just because we are opening an office. Sure, it’s important, it’s all-consuming for me and my partner. We have some wonderful family and friends that are helping us to make our dream a reality. We have tremendous support. We couldn’t have done it without them – at least not without it costing us a small fortune. But everyone has things they have to do, and they have so generously given of any spare time they do have to help us. We are unbelievably grateful. It’s times like this that you realize who your real friends are.

The great news is, it’s almost done. The trim is going up, the finishing touches are being put together, and with any luck by Tuesday we can move in. And then life can get back to, well, normal….whatever that is. It will just be great to have a space to work that isn’t a kitchen in a very busy household. A place where we can go every day, to build our new successes.

It’s a long haul, and we are getting pretty impatient. But we’re getting there.

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