Are We Too Focused on the Next Big Thing?

I swear it was within 24 hours of Periscope launching a few weeks ago that I saw the first post “15 Ways Brands Can Get the Most out of Periscope” (or something to that effect). While it’s all fine and well to have an eye to the future, I firmly believe that we are still […]

Tech in the Classroom is Cool, But it’s Not About the Tools

In my part of the world, today is the first day of school for many post-secondary students. Some are heading into their 2nd, 3rd, or 4th year – others are walking in the doors for the first time. It’s interesting times in the world of education; technology has enabled us, as teachers, to expand the […]

iPad: It’s Not About the Tool

Yesterday I said I liked the iPad. I didn’t qualify it, I didn’t say what specifically I liked about it, but I got some comments questioning my decision, wondering why I’d want such a silly thing, what possible use it could have, and why I’d just lemming along with whatever Apple is pimping without actually […]

The Secret of Successful Communities

This morning I sat down over tea and cookies with two of the most interesting, creative and smart people I know. We’ve all been friends for years and years – since I was just a wide-eyed kid embarking on my first real TV job. My friend’s basement office was like some sort of secret lair, […]

Why It's All About Stories

I met someone for the first time recently. They asked me “What do you do?”. The story of what I “do” has changed over the years. I used to just say “I work for [insert company name here].” Then after a while, I started to identify more with the actual work I was doing. “I’m […]