Web 3.0: Web 2.0 With Pants – Part I

Over the next two days, I’m handing Suzemuse over to my friend Don. He has a really compelling take on the phenomenon of Web 3.0 and where this new media stuff  is all headed. He starts us off today with a history lesson, on how we got from Web 1.0 to where we are now. […]

Raw Data Now!

Raw Data Now! Raw Data Now! Raw Data Now! This is the phrase Tim Berners-Lee made the audience chant at his recent TED talk. I recommend you watch the video if you want to really understand why he did it. I’ve been trying to understand my frustration with all things online. I think I’m starting […]

Would the Real WWW Please Stand Up

20 years. It’s been 20 whole years since my hero, Sir Tim Berners-Lee wrote a paper that would change the world. Now here we are, in the midst of an information, communication and conversation revolution. It’s so exciting that sometimes I can’t sleep. The way we do business, make friends, shop, eat and work has […]