The Creative Power of the Mindmap
I was back in college the first time I heard about the concept of mindmapping. My Project Management professor showed it to us, as a way to brainstorm all the things that needed to be done to successfully complete a creative design project. That day, my eyes were opened to a new way of doing […]
Blogger Guilt
I haven’t been blogging here as much as I usually do. It’s a combination of factors. Work has me writing more right now than I’ve ever written. I’m also blogging over at Thoughtwrestling, and doing more stuff over at Jester Creative’s blog too. I’m writing content for clients, proposals, scripts – you name it. Many […]
Bust Some Stress by Getting Control of Your Email
While we’re on the topic of order amidst chaos, I want to talk about email. I hear so many people complaining about being crushed under the weight of their email. At least 10 times a day I see my friends on Twitter talking about how they have no time for their email, that they have […]