The Grand Experiment of Blogging

This morning, Mark Blevis wrote a free-form blog post, because he was encouraged by Chris Brogan to do so. My smart friends have motivated me to finally come out and do what I’ve needed to do for a while. It might be a clunker, it might be imperfect, but I need to say it, so […]

The Good Problem

There are basically two situations we get into as self-employed people. Either we are completely overwhelmed because we don’t have enough clients, and therefore, don’t have enough money coming in, or, we are completely overwhelmed because we have so many clients, so many projects to get done and what would seem like not enough time. […]

Breaking the Email Habit

I have a problem with email. The problem I have is not email itself – it’s a marvellous tool, and when used well, it’s extremely effective, highly efficient, and wonderfully convenient. The problem I have with email is that it’s been running me. Over the past several months, I’ve gotten involved in lots of different things – 12for12k, […]

Breaking the Email Habit

I have a problem with email. The problem I have is not email itself – it’s a marvellous tool, and when used well, it’s extremely effective, highly efficient, and wonderfully convenient. The problem I have with email is that it’s been running me. Over the past several months, I’ve gotten involved in lots of different […]

Want Real Success? Then Get to Real Work.

I’ve been observing lately what it is that makes someone successful. Success for many people means money, and sure, that’s part of it (who doesn’t love money?). I mean truly successful – fulfilled in work and life, unbelievably productive, surrounded by amazing people and love and positive things, and yes – financial stability. I look […]

What AwayFind Has Taught Me About Managing Email

I have a confession to make. I like getting email. Maybe it’s because I’m a writer. And a reader. I actually enjoy peering into my inbox, seeing who is reaching out to me, what new opportunities might be there, or just checking to see if I’ve heard from a friend. I actually find it kind […]