How To Be More Memorable

Let’s face it. If you’re participating at all in the online space, be it through Twitter, Facebook, Google +, or a blog – at some point, you just want to be noticed. While it’s true that I write for myself first, I’d be lying if I said I don’t care if anyone reads it or […]

A Simple Reminder About Real Life

I am not fond of the term “In Real Life (IRL)”. As far as I’m concerned, everything I do is my real life. Some people that I consider good friends are people I’ve never met in person – amazing people like Becky McCray, Jason Falls, Jason’s Dad Chillie, Deb Brown – aw, heck, I could […]

How to Shape YOUR Online Experience

I saw a cool post this morning on Social Media Today from guest blogger Lena West of xynoMedia. She talks about how she personally deals with social media in her own workflow, and points out that “last time I checked, we each set the rules for how we interact with other people. Social media is […]