Networking Tips for Students

I’ve been having a really fun time this summer teaching Project Management at Algonquin College. I’m working with a really great bunch of students who are going to be the next wave of digital mavens, helping people just like you get ahead in this crazy online world. One of the questions I’m asked the most […]

Connecting in the Offline World

There’s an unusual trend happening in my life right now, in terms of how I’m connecting with people. I’m doing a lot of “offline” stuff. Perhaps it’s just the nature of my schedule of late, perhaps it’s intentional, perhaps it’s fate…but I am finding some great richness in the interactions I’m having with the non-geeks […]

What Works for What's Work

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately about how work has changed over the past several years. When I was growing up in the 1980’s, society was still in the mindset that “setting yourself up for success” meant graduating from high school, going to university to get a degree, then finding a good, stable, […]

What's in a Name

There’s something about a name. Tonight, I went down to the local Shawarma joint (Mr. Shawarma, for any Ottawa west-enders looking for the best meal in the ‘hood). I am quite a regular there, stopping in probably once or twice a week – it’s my default meal when hubby is working. The same man is […]