What Marshall McLuhan Knew About Social Media

I came across a great article on Brain Pickings.org the other day, featuring the Canadian icon of media thought, Marshall McLuhan. You may know McLuhan best for his famous quote “The medium is the message”. I’ve studied McLuhan for about as long as I’ve been involved in media and communications, and if you’re a media […]

Making News in the Digital Era: A Review

I disagreed with David Henderson the first time I met him. Back in 2008 he wrote a post on his blog that in my opinion, discounted some fundamental truths about social media as I knew it at the time, and both myself and Danny Brown posted comments that expressed our side of the debate. I […]

Am I Breaking Up with Social Media?

It’s not you…it’s me. In 2007, I was introduced to social media at Podcamp Toronto. I happened upon a group of amazing people, many of whom I’m happy to call good friends today. What they were doing that weekend was remarkable. They were figuring out new ways to communicate, collaborate, do business, and build communities. […]

Social Media – Ur Doin' it Wrong

I see that IZEA is has gotten into the sponsored tweets biz. I see that Mashable has some mixed feelings about it. This is not going to be a post about whether the business ventures that Ted Murphy and his gang are getting into are right or wrong. It’s not going to be a post […]

Confessions of a Media Junkie

My business partner and I negotiated late into the night last night and we’ve come to a very critical decision. It wasn’t easy to do, but we know it’s the right thing for us. We’re totally getting some ShamWows. The first step. I have a terrible addiction to media. All kinds of media. Yes, even […]

Techniques for Giving a Good Interview

This is a great article from mediacollege.com containing tips and techniques on how to interview people well. A good resource for anyone doing interviews for podcasts, documentaries or other media projects. If there’s anything I’ve learned after 18 years of producing media in various forms, it’s that a good interview can make or break a […]