The Walls of the Social Media Bubble Are Getting Thicker

I’ve spoken before about the social media “bubble”. You know, this warm and cozy place where all us Twitter-loving, high tech super early adopting thirty and forty somethings spend a good chunk of our lives. We have our own gurus, our special buzzwords, and our own geek-a-paloooza assortment of Dungeons and Dragons inside jokes and […]

Creating Spaces

I’ve been thinking about spaces a lot. There are many different ways we create spaces. There’s making emotional space, for your friends, your family, or that special someone. There’s physical space, as in the space you create for your home or your working environment. There’s the relationship between space and time, where you need to […]

How Small Towns Are Social Networks

I’m back! Back in civilization, and back to my iMac, my 3G network, my Twitter, my blog. Don’t get me wrong – I had a wonderful Christmas, spending time with my in-laws in frozen, but beautiful Manitoba. We ate, and talked, and ate, and played cards, and ate, and opened gifts, and ate some more. […]

A New Approach to the Holidays

This is the first Christmas in 38 years that I’ll be away from my family. It’s kind of a weird thing, and I find myself feeling a little bit emotional about it. I am still going to be around family – hubby and I are going to Winnipeg to spend Christmas with his family. But […]

Online Authenticity – You Be The Judge

There are still a lot of skeptics out there when it comes to trusting other people online. I speak with people all the time who are not involved in online communities. I ask them why they haven’t gotten involved. I get a lot of answers, but perhaps the most interesting response I get is that […]

The Art of Shameless Self Promotion

I’ve been reading a lot of blog posts and tweets lately about people being averse to “tooting their own horn”. And I’m not sure I really understand the aversion. Ok, I know there are lots of spammers out there. I know there are certain types of people that seem to do nothing but shamelessly self-promote […]

I Use the Web Differently Now…Do You?

I have been thinking over the past couple of days how much things have changed online in the past several months. Social networks have gone from early adoption stage to pretty mainstream, and now the early adopters of business are starting to really grab hold of social media as a way to enhance their online […]