The Big Break
The man on the right side of this picture, the one sitting in the chair with the camera….he gave me my first break. I was 19 years old and ready to take the television world by storm. I thought getting my first job would be easy. After all, I had two years of college under […]
Career, Job, or What You Do. What's the Difference?
Back in the 50’s, when my parents were entering the workforce, choices were different. Many people dropped out of high school in Grade 10 or 11 and got a JOB. JOBs were things like working in a factory or working for your Dad in his hardware store. Or selling vacuum cleaners door-to-door. If you didn’t […]
Hard Work Should Be Easy
I’m inspired this morning by Mitch Joel of Twist Image. In his latest blog post, “How Hard Do You Really Work?”, he mentions a line he uses when he does his public speaking events. “…most people I know are trying to make it to the weekend. I’m trying to make it.” Wow. That is a […]