Finding Your Voice

I wasn’t always a writer. In the 11th grade, I had to take after school English tutoring because my grammar was so atrocious. It was my only hope of passing the class. I worked my butt off with my “its and it’s”, and my “there, their and they’re”.  My teacher told me that in the […]

SuzeMuse Reviews: "Crush It!" by Gary Vaynerchuk

Breaking with my DNA to bring you the first in a series of 1 video book reviews by yours truly. You saw it here first, folks! Oh, and then go buy the book. Seriously. (Facebook readers, here’s the original YouTube link:

The Art of Saying Yes

Back in December I wrote a post on The Art of Saying No. It was in response to an overwhelming number of demands and requests I’d been receiving for me to help with this, retweet that, and come to this event, and so on. It helped me set my mind straight on how to make […]

The Art of Saying No

One of the hardest things for me to do is to say “no” to people. It gets me in all sorts of trouble, too. I get over-committed, over-booked, over-stressed in an effort to please everyone all the time. It’s a common problem – I know lots of people for whom saying “no” is the worst […]