Why I Love Social Media People

This morning I’ll be heading to Toronto for a weekend of connecting, sharing, learning and of course, fun at Podcamp. It’s been a long time since I’ve been really excited about attending an event. Perhaps it’s because I don’t get to go to many events. Perhaps it’s because I’m getting the chance to meet up […]

Is Your Network a Collection? Or an Accumulation?

I love being inspired by other people’s blog posts. Speaking of inspirational, have you met Jon Swanson? I’ve been a fan of Jon’s for well over a year. His blog, Levite Chronicles, is one of the first blogs I go to every morning. Jon blogs about life, faith, family, work, new media…really, a bit of […]


It’s Thanksgiving weekend in Canada. It’s the height of Autumn, the trees are a fiery glow on the brightest of blue skies. The breeze is crisp, but the last of summer’s warmth can still be felt in the sun. Fall is my favourite time of year, not just for the beautiful days, but because it […]

First You Learn the Lesson….Then You Teach

Life is full of lessons. Every day I learn at least one thing that I didn’t know the day before. I would say we probably all do. The past 5 years or so have been a time of tremendous learning and growth for me. I’ve bought a house, gotten married (yes, in that order – […]