Busy is as Busy Does

We are all busy. Really busy. Just watch your Twitter feed on any given day and you will see just how busy everyone is. Coming, going, this way and that, at 100 miles an hour in 50 different directions at once.  The past two weeks has been exceptionally busy for me. My video class is […]

Overcoming The Busy

I am Busy this week. Aren’t we all? Here’s a synopsis of some of what is on my to do list: Research, write and submit two proposals, meet with at least 3 advertisers, record, edit and publish a podcast for GeekGrls, post a bunch of ideas on my blog, come up with my lesson plans […]

How Twitter Helps Me Stay in the Now

Some of you may already know that I am a big fan of Eckhart Tolle’s book “A New Earth”. I am completely aware that it’s not for everyone, but for me, personally, it has given me a new perspective on things, and taught me some valuable things that I have put to work in my […]

Twitter vs. Facebook – The WIIFM Wars

Hubby and I were having a great conversation over breakfast for dinner tonight. It all started with Gary Vay-ner-chuk, and his chime in the other day about Twitter vs. Facebook. In his video post, he talks about how apps like Facebook need to become more immediate and instantaneous or they are going to be eclipsed […]

Jill Bolte Taylor and her Stroke of Insight

I’ve been reading Eckhart Tolle’s “A New Earth”. Now before you go shoving this book aside as more ‘new age hogwash’, take a look at this TED video from Jill Bolte Taylor. Ms. Bolte Taylor is a neuro-scientist, who woke up one morning experiencing a massive hemorrhage on the left side of her brain. Being […]