Holiday Downtime

As many of you probably know, if you’ve read my posts or Tweets in the past couple of weeks, I’m heading off this morning to spend Christmas in Winnipeg with my husband’s family. Winnipeg is known for it’s windy -40 winters, so it’s bound to be freezing, but it will be nice to feel the […]

Putting the "Social" Back in Social Media

Last night I got to hang out with my family for a little pre-Christmas celebration. It was my brother’s Mother-in-law’s 80th birthday party. It was pretty important for me to be there, not only to help Pauline, a sweet and charming lady, celebrate this milestone day, but also because this is the first year that […]

A New Approach to the Holidays

This is the first Christmas in 38 years that I’ll be away from my family. It’s kind of a weird thing, and I find myself feeling a little bit emotional about it. I am still going to be around family – hubby and I are going to Winnipeg to spend Christmas with his family. But […]