Can We Be Helpful AND Scale?

One of the things I love best about social media is that it allows people to be infinitely helpful. People’s genuine desire to be helpful helped us raise over $100,000 for last year. Helpful people, many whom I have never met in person, have gotten me through complex technical challenges without giving a second […]

The Simplicity of Kindness and the Power of Echo

There’s a church around the corner from my house. It’s one of those churches that often displays little messages on the outside notice board. They change it up every week or so, just in time for the Sunday service, it seems. There’s a traffic light at the corner, so I always have a moment before […]

The Truth is Out There – and It's in the Comments

I was directed by Chuck Peters to a thought-provoking article on Fred Wilson’s blog A VC called “Avoiding the Big Yellow Taxi Moment.” The article discusses what some people call “the death of journalism” and the “rise of the blogger”. Fred makes some very interesting points about the evolution of the microjournalist and if there […]