I’m a Podcaster Now
One area that I’ve never really gotten involved with when it comes to social media has been podcasting. Oh sure, I’ve been a consumer of podcasts for years. There are so many great ones out there – Six Pixels of Separation, Marketing Over Coffee, Night of the Living Podcast – perhaps I was so consumed with listening to what others had to say that it really never occurred to me that I’d have something to say myself!
In the past month, I’ve become involved in two new podcasts, and I’m really excited about both!
The Contrarians
Bob LeDrew, Joe Boughner and I have been friends for a few years. We all met each other on Twitter, and our online friendships have transcended well into the offline world. Bob and Joe are both communications guys, but I don’t hold that against them (much). Well, the three of us got to chatting, and we realized that we had a few things to say about the state of the social web. We realized that we wanted to provide a contrary point of view on social media, that existed outside of the navel gazing bubble in which this online world often spends the majority of its time.
Enter The Contrarians: 3 bloggers you’ve never heard of sharing opinions you didn’t ask for.
Now, the first thing you should know about me, and Bob, and Joe, is that we don’t take ourselves all that seriously. Sure, we like to have interesting discussions around topics we care about, and if we can do it over a beer at the Elmdale Tavern (which is precisely what we do), then all the better.
I hope you’ll check us out anyway. We’re just having fun, and if we can impart some good information, opinion and humour while we’re doing it, it just might be something worth listening to.
I Can Haz Podcast
The Web works in mysterious ways. My husband Greg and I have been friends with the crew from Night of the Living Podcast for a few years. The friendship evolved out of Greg’s love for their podcast, and we’ve since been down to Ohio and Indiana a few times to visit and attend Horrorhound Weekend (and are planning another trip down there this Spring!). They are a right lovely bunch and I’m thrilled that we are all friends.
Through Greg’s familiarity with NOTLP and some of their podcasting friends, he heard about Stefan Halley. Stefan has been podcasting for many years, and Greg has often listened to some of his previous work.
Well, it so happens that Greg was also listening to Stefan’s latest project, I Can Haz Podcast, a show that helps people understand social media and online marketing, when he discovered that Stefan was looking for a new co-host.
Greg sent me a note and suggested I should maybe apply for the position. Well, I did, and after a few days of chatting with Stefan, who lives in Sweden, I’m happy to announce that I’m going to be joining him as the co-host of the show!
We are recording our first episode this coming Saturday, and I’ll let you know as soon as it goes online.
So guess what…I’m a podcaster now!