Five Things to Think About
Weekends are always a great time for unwinding and reflection. Here are a few topics for you to ponder as you head into the end of your week.
Oh, and Happy Canada Day, my fellow Canadians! Enjoy your long weekend.
Jason Silva and Digital Transcendentalism
Jason Silva is an artist, television host, and philosopher. He’s got a lot to say, and says it well. You might need to listen to this episode of Tekzilla a couple of times to dig what he’s saying about the digital world and our consciousness, but it’s deep and it’s cool and well, who doesn’t love this guy! Watch and learn.
How to Choose The Right Social Media Tools for Your Business
Ok this one’s a bit self-promotional, but so be it. I was thrilled to be invited to be a guest blogger on HootSuite’s blog this week. Here’s my post about how to choose the right social tools for your business. The answer is, of course, there’s no single answer. Enjoy the post and drop in a comment if you have your own tips to add!
Farewell, Google Reader
Our beloved Google Reader is coming to the end of its journey. Ironically, as a result of the publicity that was generated around the sunsetting of this useful tool, there’s been a whole new resurgence of love for RSS Readers, and a lot of people have now gotten into consuming news and information on the web through this handy method. If you’re looking for a replacement to Google Reader, read this – lots of great suggestions here, so you don’t have to give up your RSS habit quite yet.
Free Summer School for Marketers
Seriously, this is one of the best finds of the month! Mitch Joel, super smarty pants and college dropout, provides an EPIC list of sources for anyone who wants to read, listen, absorb and learn. Lifelong learning is what it’s all about people, so get into this list and subscribe and get your own smarty pants on! This list is FREE education! Do it!
Your Blog is Your Rough Draft
I just love what Garret Moon says in this post about using your blog as your rough draft for bigger works. Since it’s humble beginnings in 2006, I’ve used this blog as my sandbox. It’s a playground where I can dabble in ideas, share things that interest me. There are so many examples of authors who got their start as bloggers (and still blog continuously today): Danny Brown, Geoff Livingston, Amber Naslund, Becky McCray and Dave Delaney just to name a few. If you haven’t already started blogging, and you want to find your voice, there’s no better way in my opinion.
Over to you – any thought-provoking items to share? Add them to the comments!