shutterstock_133662176Weekends are always a great time for unwinding and reflection. Here are a few topics for you to ponder as you head into the end of your week.

Toronto Lawyer Abandons Flooded Ferrari to Rush To Case

Many of you have probably heard about the dramatic flooding that occurred in Toronto this past week. I’m thankful that my friends from down there are safe, if a little damp. I loved this story so much. A lawyer abandoned his $200,000 Ferrari when the water got too deep and flooded it out. His reason? He had to catch a plane to Ottawa so he could appear at an important hearing for a client. I love this quote:

“I don’t want to sound cavalier, but at the end of the day you’ve got to see the humour in it and not sweat the small stuff. And it really is all small stuff,” he said. “Nobody’s dying, nobody’s sick. The car gets fixed up and there’s insurance for that. I made it for my case and succeeded on my client’s behalf.”

That is one heck of a great attitude to have, isn’t it? It’s all just stuff. This is a man with his priorities in order.

The Habits of Happiness

I love Zen Habits, it’s one of my favourite blogs. In this article, Leo muses about making happiness a habit – by fostering happiness habits, we stand a better chance of being happy overall. I agree with Leo when he says this is a magical list of tips. Read it and be happy!

This Chair Will Hug You Each Time You Get a Facebook Birthday Wish

You can go ahead and be nonchalant about it, but you have to admit having a birthday on Facebook is kind of fun – friends and family taking some time to stop by and leave a little note on your wall makes you smile. Well, in Brazil, the Outback Steak House has taken Facebook birthdays to a whole new level – with an interactive chair that connects to your Facebook account. Every time you get a birthday wish on your wall, the chair gives you a hug. Having a birthday at a chain restaurant just became fun again, people.

8 Ways to Win At Marketing by Being Useful

One of the books on my summer reading list is Jay Baer’s new book, “Youtility”. In this post, he gives some smart advice about how companies can sell less and be useful more. It’s a great read and I recommend you pick up the book too!

A Compilation of Scaredy Cats

It’s a fact – the Internet is made of cat videos. And this one made me laugh out loud. Watch after the credits for the best one. Who doesn’t love a scared cat!

Did you come across a thought provoking article, video, image or conversation this week? Share it in the comments!

Have a great weekend!

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