Weekends are always a great time for unwinding and reflection. Here are a few topics for you to ponder as you head into the end of your week.
Make your Yes count by saying No
Why is it so hard for us to say “no”? Saying “yes” to too many things gets us in all kinds of trouble. We should know better, but ultimately, when it comes down to it, we are often fearful of that little two letter word. In this post on The Successful Blog, Molly Cantrell-Kraig delves into how we can be more effective if we choose to say “no” to the right things.
Social Media Success and the Second Commandment
Bob LeDrew is a smarty pants, and if you don’t already subscribe to his blog, you should go do that right now. This week, he’s over on Spin Sucks (another blog you need to subscribe to right now) talking about how we tend to view everything the social media elite crowd does as gospel, when sometimes their ideas really aren’t that great. Take some time to peruse the comments of this post too – they are wicked good.
Thorns or Roses? It’s All Up to You
Arlene Somerton Smith is one of my favourite writers. I always manage to see her posts at exactly the time I need them. This one muses on a very simple concept, but one that we often forget. How we handle situations is always about how we react to them. Read this, and adjust attitude accordingly.
How to Leverage the Science of Relationships To Gain True Influence
I love science, and I love it when people apply scientific concepts to human behaviour online. This is a great article from Tom Martin of Copyblogger on how you can go beyond the faux-influence gauges like Klout and find ways to really zero in on the people that can help you amplify your message. Also, it uses my new favourite word, “propinquity”.
I love Joni Mitchell, and one of my favourite songs of all time is “Both Sides Now”. I came across this a capella cover of her song by Lara Martin, Laura Spink & Melissa Dalton and it completely blew me away. I used to sing in an a capella quartet. One of the things we always strived for (and sometimes achieved) was harmonics – when two or more voices blend so well that extra notes can be heard as they sing. In this amazing arrangement, the three voices achieve so many harmonics that it sounds like six voices. Just incredible.
Over to you – any thought-provoking items to share? Add them to the comments!
Thanks so much for including me in this list! I learned about some new folks today. Best, M. 🙂