I’ve been musing here for over 3 years. It seems like much longer! But, it IS Internet time after all, so that’s like, 15 years, right?

I’ve often thought of my blog as my playground. It’s the space where I can feel free to mess around with ideas and concepts, get things clear in my head, and spend time enjoying the process of writing. I’ve not paid much attention to the so-called “experts” who say one “must have a theme, or topic for their blog”. I have written about everything here, from life to productivity, to work, self employment and creativity. I’ve been fortunate that the topics I’ve covered have opened up new opportunities for me to write for great blogs like Thoughtwrestling and Ottawa Tonite. I’m even exploring some new blog writing opportunities now (to be announced soon!).

It’s time for a change.

As many of you know, I’ve been a teacher in some capacity for much of my 20 year career. It all began back at the cable station, when part of my job as a Producer was to run training workshops for the station’s volunteers in such things as camera, lighting, audio, directing and editing. After I went back to school in ’97, I started work at a training company. I helped to design one of the first Web Design certificate programs offered at Algonquin College, and worked as a program coordinator and course designer for corporate training outside the college as well. During my high-tech hayday, I designed training and awareness programs and wrote help documentation. I spent some time traveling across the United States teaching software at corporations. Then, about 3 years ago, I was hired part time to work for Algonquin college, where I currently teach video production and Web Media, and am designing an online course in Digital Communication.

The best part is…I absolutely adore teaching. Some of the most fun I have is creating learning environments for my students – interesting ways for them to get their hands dirty with new ideas. And the best moment…the BEST moment…is that moment when you see the lightbulb go off over a student’s head. The moment they really GET what you’re teaching them, and they are inspired to move forward with their new knowledge and make things happen. It’s just about one of the most rewarding things there is.

I’m changing things up here on Suzemuse, because I want to talk more about teaching, and training, and education, and how technology plays into all of it. How our experience as both teachers AND students is changing. How emerging technologies are opening up new ways to learn and experience and explore things.

Digital technologies such as social media are rapidly changing the landscape of education. Many teachers and educational institutions are facing big challenges with trying to keep up. Students are demanding more interactivity in their learning environments all the time. The tools are there, and ripe for use inside and outside the classroom, but as educators, we need to figure out the most effective ways to use them. One of the ways I want to do this is by opening up a space where we can all talk – students, educators, administrators, corporate trainers – about ideas, best practices, successes, and failures.

So, starting today, Suzemuse is transforming. I am going to shift the focus of this blog to talking about education and emerging technologies, and I hope to start some interesting conversations around the shifting landscape and the future of education. I’m going to engage with other educators and hope to provide interviews, guest posts, and maybe even a podcast down the road.

This is where I want to be right now. It’s an extremely exciting time and I’m looking forward to exploring this with you.

Thank you for your attention and time and contribution here the past three years. Here’s to next steps!


[photo credit: Matt Packer on Flickr]

13 Responses

  1. So excited to see this.

    I used to be a teacher and got my start in IT working with educative technology.

    So many technical opportunities for learning. I look forward to reading your blog and learning from you.

    Good luck.

  2. Change is in the air, I think. And it’s a very good thing.

    Good luck with the new direction! It’s exciting, isn’t it? I think you’re tapping a rich new vein of conversation, and I think the journey will be fun, both for you and for the people following along. 🙂

  3. Hi Sue,

    This is great news 🙂

    Teaching is something I’m also really interested in (and have been doing bits and pieces internally at work and with the PR program at Algonquin) so I’m really looking forward to your insight!


  4. wow! there must be something in the air — either that or PAB was an awesome catalyst. this is inspirational. i have my training blog off of swallowconsulting.com, but your change is inspiring to do more with it and be more prolific and consistent.

    I can’t wait to see your new content. thanks, and cheers, suze!

  5. Woot! Love the idea of this new direction for you.

    If you haven’t connected with one of my favorite educators in this space, @hrheingold is a fabulous resource and full of information and unique outlook on education in today’s culture.

    Ping me via email for some more pointed links if you’re interested.


  6. I’m good with this too – because you teach me so well, I’m really looking forward to the scintillating conversations, new information and learning. Thanks!

  7. Following your passion is always a good move when it comes to writing. I look forward to learning more!

  8. To repeat what Kat said, change is definitely in the air. It certainly is in my part of the world. btw … I really like the changes you’ve made in the blog’s look.

  9. Suze,

    A great new theme for the blog. I’m looking forward to following your posts in this area. You’ve always provided insight in the past. And I’m sure much good is still to come.

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